Health Coaching
Health Coaching

Do you find yourself wanting to make changes to your diet – cutting out excess sugar, coffee, chocolate, alcohol and smoking but find you don’t have the motivation or physical energy to do so?

  1. Which areas of  life  are already un fulfilled due to poor health.
  2. How is your current state of health affecting your relationship with your partner, children or friendships?
  3. Are you doing a lot less in your day to day life because there is not enough energy to last the whole day?
  4. Does your health interfere with work? Can you think clearly and focus?
  5. Do you find walking up stairs or up a hill more difficult than you did a year ago or 6 months ago?
  6. Does the idea of exercising fill you with dread?
  7. Do you often feel angry, irritable anxious or depressed?
  8. Do you suffer from migraines, aches and pains in your joints and muscles?
  9. Do you struggle to get out of bed in the morning?
  10. Do you have disruptive sleep patterns?
  11. Do you suffer from colds and flu symptoms more than twice a year?
  12. Does your skin look tired and dull or have you got spots?
  13. On a scale of 1-10 how bad do you need to feel before you take a leap forward to break the bad habits you have become accustomed too?

How would it feel instead to change your mind set and automatically choose healthier food and drink giving you stamina throughout the day? How confident would you feel to lose enough weight to be able to wear clothes you could only admire on other people? Maybe you do not need to lose weight but you feel tired and sluggish all the time.

How much more fun would it be for your children, partner and friends if you were more spontaneous and action orientated? How much happier and vibrant will you feel if your health went from a 2 or a 3 score to a 9 or 10?

How can Coaching help me?

In each session we will work on different areas from breaking down negative beliefs and obstacles which have been holding you back from creating a positive and dynamic way of life to looking at the values you need to be free from in order to create a more contented, happier and vibrant person that is waiting to materialize.

I will support you every step of the way, giving you the tools and resources so that you will be ready to face new challenges with optimism and confidence. Small steps are taken so you will never feel overwhelmed.

What you will achieve:

  • You will have more focus and drive.
  • More determination to stay on your chosen path.
  • You will be discovering many qualities you already have.
  • You will embrace new relationships.
  • Have staying power rather than giving up on projects and new goals.
  • Have more balance in your life, creating time for yourself.
  • You will have more fun as positive thinking and better health is reached.
  • You will make concrete decisions for yourself.
  • You will be more open to opportunities.

Coaching can be done face to face or over the telephone, so it does not matter where you live. The sessions last one hour and can be conducted weekly or fortnightly. Telephone and email support is available in between sessions.

Linda Thaper - Lifestyle Management